3 months since my return from my mission.

            Good evening to whom who joined with me with my debut post concerning my thoughts on being back from my mission. For today you will know how much my time serving at my mission at Cambodia has not only blessed my people/ heritage I serve over there, but how did it blessed me without me realizing it. Here are top 5 ways on how my mission has blessed my life at most.

1. I finally understood the importance of The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    Even though I had 2 years in my mission for me to completely understand the "good news" of Jesus Christ, there's actually something you can get a lot just from memorizing the 5 ways on applying the gospel of Jesus Christ with real intent. For example in my experience in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I don't just go to church just because it's a commandment I simply chose to go because I want to stay there and have that peace in my heart and mind. I can't find that kind of peace no where else besides the church. Heck, I can even share a personal experience before my mission, I loved going to church to the point that no matter what circumstance I am in, I would use my legs to walk to church. I developed stronger faith in Jesus Christ because I know that I am going to need when I fell upon my flaws because I done stupid stuff in my life to you know?

   I choose to repent because I want to keep my conversion for example I always have this important quote from a apostle known as Dallin H. Oaks, this talk was shared like years ago and it aimed along with return missionaries so....I let that quote aimed at me as well and it's impact me: "For example, returned missionaries, are you still seeking to be converted, or are you caught up in the ways of the world?" 


For me as a person I don't go through the motions on applying the gospel, I applied it because I wanted to keep my conversion in the first place. The rest of the gospel like Baptism, Receiving the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the end. I interpret that as I must take the atonement of Jesus Christ seriously by partaking of the sacrament and maintain my commitment I made to God (like keeping his commandments) enable for me to have his spirit to be with me. That will help me endure to the end and I seen that helped a lot still during and after my mission! This is truly "good news"! 

2. It made me considered what I really want to do after my mission.
Let  me be honest after trying to get help for my investigators and recent converts for a long time. I realize how important I am to God, out of humility despite my flaws. You see me now as a Ward Missionary in the Syracuse Ward MY HOME WARD helping current missionaries in my ward help those learning about the church apply the teachings of the church. It's tough for missionaries to find member help on the time when certain investigator meet up with missionaries how I know because I was one.

3. I finally know the Cambodian language. (The gift of tongues is real.)
My goodness, learning the Khmer language was so hard but it all paid off that I treasured my mission by finally trying to talk to my people for 2 years over there, unfortunately I was a little prideful because I wanted to become like them knowing what I define as a beautiful language such as Khmer knowing that language, even though the English language is beneficial! Actually that is one of my regrets in my mission is that I could've been more apologetic and ask how is it that "I don't speak clear". As an Khmer-American, in my  mind it was rude and I was like "Geez, at least I still trying and I will never  give up." But the funniest thing I proved it by remaining in the mission the entire time because I wanted to help my heritage learn and apply the teachings of Jesus Christ! He's the way! His ways are the best ways we must follow his example! And I know that I done my best to do that despite my flaws as a missionary at that time.

4. I know what they endured doesn't compare to our suffering we endured.
My goodness, the things they have after what Pol Pot had done to them has broken my heart,
him killing the educated including a great portion of my family. It's sad to see those that doesn't have the best roof over their head now and some people can't even read their language. How awful is that?! That really broke my heart to pieces... I would definitely love to see them develop a strong testimony on the Book of Mormon personally.  So feel blessed that in America that WE HAVE A FREE CHANCE TO receive education, to be smart because we CAN get there. There's no excuse. I may sound harsh and I know that Cambodians are somehow getting there way to learn the Khmer and English language but we must take a ton a advantage on the freedom we have here before things become corrupt.

5. I know what's it like to be with another person 24/7/365 2 times and how's unity important.
As a person that's never legitimately dated anyone yet. I learned simple skills on how to remain in unity with all of my brethren despite how tough it is, it takes a lot of prayers, communication and a ton of co-operation enable to have 2 not 1 but 2 to succeed at a great time of opportunity and service to help others know of the restoration.

 So as of today, I am still doing my best to be patient over here in the Syracuse Community and I am trying very to find someone who's willing to know me and love me from getting farther in life since being back. I am trying to combat the 18 year old me because that's obviously not me anymore. I literally came back off my mission converted. There's no other place and time I rather be than to serve a mission and return with honor. Now, I may not get married immediately like I see others that returned like me and I tried so hard not to envy them from that but that's all because I know God will provide and he's there for me. I will NEVER go less-active after all I learned from the Cambodia Phnom Penh mission. I will HATE to see myself as that person and I would do everything that it takes for me to stay close to our savior Jesus Christ! I was blessed with a job and I am about to go to Onondaga Community College and I still excited about that, so many blessing and opportunities are since being and I know I can still achieve my personal goals so that I can fulfill my spiritual potential as well!


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