
Showing posts from December, 2019

About 3 years since my return from my mission.

By Johnny K. Ros        As soon as you click on this link I just want to appreciate you for taking time to read about my experience as a return missionary. I promise that as you read of this you'll understand what's been going on in my life as I've been back from Cambodia after a few years. I just want to let you guys know on the way that this post is subject to change on the way, yet this will reflect what I experienced so far in my life. You may mostly read a lot about 2019. This is the most important year of my life. Here's why: I was able to attend my homeward's assigned temple often such as the Palmyra, NY temple.        This is probably the year I attend the Temple most frequently, hoping to attend more next year. Why I find this so important to reflect because since October 2019, I was finally able to seal my grandparents in my mom's side. It's one of the most sacred moments I ever experienced in my entire life, I refuse to disregard th